Sam Brown | LCV Victory Fund

Sam Brown

2024 Dirty Dozen

Sam Brown is what you get when you take a complete lack of understanding about issues important to Nevadans and combine it with partisan loyalty to a reckless MAGA ideology. Brown said he would eliminate U.S. Departments of Energy, Education, Transportation, and federal “environmental departments and agencies.” Without the Department of Energy, it remains unclear who he would leave in charge of all of the nuclear he supported dumping at the controversial Yucca Mountain facility.

Nevada stands to gain hundreds of millions of dollars in economic growth through clean energy tax incentives that are creating jobs and saving households money. Investments in clean energy have bipartisan support among Nevada voters, but Sam Brown would join MAGA Republicans in Washington seeking to undo this progress.

In The News

New Spanish language ads call out Sam Brown’s misuse of campaign funds

Las Vegas, NV — Today the LCV Victory Fund and EDF Action Votes announced a new independent expenditure effort that highlights Sam Brown’s scheme...

Read More August 6, 2024