In New York’s 19th Congressional District, LCV Action Fund-endorsed Josh Riley is challenging Republican incumbent Marc Molinaro. Josh Riley is an attorney who has filed briefs before the Supreme Court arguing for stronger campaign finance laws and opposing the Trump Administration’s discriminatory immigration policies. In Congress, Josh Riley will hold polluters accountable, grow investments in clean energy that bring good jobs to New Yorkers and protect our clean water and clean air. Marc Molinaro has a 19% LCV score. New Yorkers were suffering from some of the worst air quality in the world last summer thanks to smoke from raging wildfires that are fueled by climate change. Rather than address the problem, Molinaro complained that “It’s too soon to politicize the smoke by lecturing about climate change.” Molinaro also denied concerns about clean air when he voted to block funding for the EPA to enforce limits on soot pollution.