LCV Victory Fund Expands Field Program in Battleground States to $20.7 million | LCV Victory Fund LCV Victory Fund announced a $6.2 million expansion of its field organizing programs to include Presidential, Senate and House races in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska, New York and California.

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LCV Victory Fund Expands Field Program in Battleground States to $20.7 million

September 6, 2024
Kelci Hobson,

Washington, D.C.– Today, LCV Victory Fund announced a $6.2 million expansion of its field organizing programs to include Presidential, Senate and House races in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska, New York and California. In July, LCV Victory Fund, partners and state affiliates launched a $14.5 million field organizing program encompassing Presidential, Senate and House races in North Carolina, Montana, Arizona, and Ohio. The expansion of the programs will extend support to Senate candidates: Bob Casey (PA-Sen), Jacky Rosen (NV- Sen), Elissa Slotkin (MI-Sen), and Tammy Baldwin (WI-Sen). Building on our initial House race support the programs will incorporate the most House candidates yet, backing Dave Min (CA-47), Derek Tran (CA-45), George Whitesides (CA-27), John Mannion (NY-22), Lauren Gillen (NY-04), Tony Vargas (NE-02), Emilia Sykes (OH-13), Marcy Kaptur (OH-09), Curtis Hertel (MI-07), Kirsten Engel (AZ-06), and Amish Shah (AZ-01). This is now LCV Victory Fund’s largest-ever field program for House races.

“Already this summer we’ve knocked over 318,000 doors and have been seeing a very enthusiastic response,” said LCV Victory Fund National Field Director, Erin Phillips. “With less than 60 days until election day, and as mail ballots begin to land in mailboxes, it is imperative that we continue to meet voters where they are and build awareness around what is at stake in this election. Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Walz and climate champions running in the Senate and House understand that building a clean energy economy that will lower costs for families, expand high-paying family sustaining jobs, ensure access to clean air and clean water, and protect our environment is a win-win-win-win strategy. We are fighting to elect champions up and down the ballot to ensure that our families, communities, environment and our democracy are protected.”

The expansion of the field program comes as we head into the final two months of the election cycle. Trump and MAGA Republicans have continued to demonstrate that they will do the bidding of Big Oil, block the development of a clean energy economy, and put the health and safety of our communities, families, and environment at risk. The choice is clear this November, the Trump-Vance ticket is determined to feed corporate greed by cosigning Big Oil’s wish list and cutting tax credits for hardworking families. LCV Victory Fund’s House strategy got an early preview in the February special election in NY-03 where we ran a field program and Tom Suozzi successfully won the seat to replace disgraced Republican Congressperson George Santos. 

Below is more information on the field programs launching in California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New York, Nebraska and Wisconsin. The campaign will include a layered combination of organizing tactics including door-to-door canvassing, relational organizing, texting, and mail programs.

California House Races CA-27, CA-47 and CA-45 ($1 million field program)
In Lancaster and Orange County, canvassers will help with GOTV efforts for climate champions in CA-27 where George Whitesides looks to unseat Mike Garcia, CA-47 where State Senator Dave Min is looking to hold on to Katie Porter’s seat and CA-45 where Derek Tran is looking to unseat Michelle Steel. Across these races, the contrast couldn’t be clearer between LCVAF-endorsed candidates and their opponents who are backed by Big Oil. In CA-27 and CA-45, Representatives Mike Garcia and Michelle Steel both voted against the largest investment in climate action and clean energy jobs in history. In contrast, Whitesides has already created hundreds of jobs in the Antelope Valley and, like Tran, would champion clean energy jobs that provide sustainable energy and good paying jobs. In CA-47, Baugh has promised to take us backwards on key climate policies while Min has been a champion in the legislature, taking on Big Oil and utility companies that were jacking up energy bills.

Michigan Senate, House (MI-07) and Presidential Races ($2.7 million field program)
Canvassers in Grand Rapids, Lansing and Detroit will help with persuasion and GOTV efforts in the Senate, House and Presidential races. Elissa Slotkin has been a long time climate champion who has led the fight against toxic pollution that threatens Michigan’s waters and communities, is committed to building a clean energy economy that lowers costs, and has worked to get lead out of pipes. Meanwhile, Mike Rogers is determined to undo the progress made by the Biden-Harris administration and block efforts to build a clean energy economy. In District 07, Curtis Hertel is champion of a clean energy economy and is committed to protecting the lakes and waterways.

Pennsylvania Presidential and Senate ($3 million field program)
In Philadelphia, the LCV Victory Fund field program in partnership with the Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy PAC will talk with voters about what is at stake with Pennsylvania Senate race where climate champion Bob Casey is up against MAGA mega-millionaire David McCormick. McCormick has not only rallied with Trump but also supports tax cuts for Big Oil and has said he’s committed to leading MAGA efforts to repeal tax incentives for new clean energy infrastructure. Meanwhile, Bob Casey has championed historic investments in clean energy that are already bringing good paying jobs to Pennsylvanians. 

Nevada Presidential and Senate ($3 million field program)
In Vegas and Reno, canvassers will talk to voters about reelecting Jacky Rosen to the Senate and GOTV about the presidential race. As Senator, Jacky Rosen has been a dedicated advocate for clean energy and public lands, and fought against using Yucca Mountain for dumping nuclear waste. In stark contrast, Sam Brown is notably a MAGA extremist who supported opening Yucca Mountain to nuclear waste and has said he would eliminate the Departments of Energy, Transportation and the environmental departments from the Federal Government.  

New York House Races NY-04 and NY-22 ($1 million field program)
From Central New York to Nassau County, canvassers will talk with voters about the choices they face this November in the races for NY-04 and NY-22 where Laura Gillen and State Senator John Mannion are working to unseat their anti-environment opponents. Both Brandon Williams and Anthony D’Esposito have opposed affordable clean energy policies from the Biden-Harris Administration that their constituents stand to benefit from. In contrast, Gillen and Mannion are committed to bringing down utility costs, fighting climate change and ensuring that New Yorkers have clean air and water.

Nebraska Presidential and House Race NE-02 ($600k field program)
In Omaha, canvassers will engage voters about State Senator Tony Vargas’ efforts to unseat Don Bacon emphasizing Tony’s commitment to addressing the serious threats of climate change with a clean energy economy. In the legislature, Vargas has championed smart climate policies that will cut costs and create good paying Nebraska jobs. In contrast, Bacon voted against the largest investment in clean energy jobs in our nation’s history.

Wisconsin Presidential and Senate ($2 million field program)
Canvassers in Milwaukee and Madison will engage voters on Tammy Baldwin’s commitment to defend the Great Lakes and Wisconsin’s clean water, build a clean energy economy, and hold polluters accountable. On the other hand, Baldwin’s challenger, Eric Hovde, has denounced clean energy tax credits that are helping folks in the state access cheaper, cleaner energy even while his own bank encouraged clients to pursue them. 

Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.