LCV Victory Fund Launches $2 million Ad Campaign, Expands Field in Pennsylvania Senate Race | LCV Victory Fund

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LCV Victory Fund Launches $2 million Ad Campaign, Expands Field in Pennsylvania Senate Race

October 3, 2024

Washington, D.C.— Ahead of tonight’s Pennsylvania Senate debate between Senator Bob Casey and mega-millionaire Dave McCormick, LCV Victory Fund announced a $2 million digital ad campaign that calls out Dirty Dozen member Dave McCormick for outsourcing American jobs. In addition to the digital ad campaign, LCV Victory Fund announced an additional $600,000 investment expanding their current Pennsylvania field organizing program to support expanded door-knocking and GOTV mail and texting for Casey and Kamala Harris.  

WATCH: Guide
Script below

“Multimillionaire Dave McCormick is a former hedge fund CEO who looks out for wealthy folks like himself instead of workers in Pennsylvania,” said Pete Maysmith, SVP of Campaigns for LCV Victory Fund.  “With a record of outsourcing American jobs it’s not surprising he’s also pledged to roll back the clean energy initiatives that are already creating jobs here and benefiting Pennsylvanians. He doesn’t care about the fact that 51% of energy jobs in the state are clean energy jobs that could be put at risk if he had his way. McCormick is just another one of Trump’s power hungry cronies focused on his bottom line rather than the health, safety and prosperity of hardworking Pennsylvanians. Meanwhile, we can count on Bob Casey to support workers and the solutions that have created a boom of high-paying, family-sustaining jobs and are cutting energy bills for everyone.

WATCH: Specialty
Script below

Script below 

Earlier this summer, McCormick campaigned with Trump, a notorious climate denier, amidst a heat wave in Philadelphia proving that he is not the environmentalist  he claims he is. He has been vocal about wanting to repeal not only the bipartisan infrastructure bill, but also the historic Inflation Reduction Act that is already building a clean energy economy and tackling the climate crisis. These pledges are why he landed a spot on this year’s Dirty Dozen list. The super PAC connected to Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation endorsed McCormick earlier this year. If McCormick were in the Senate to help Trump enact the Project 2025 agenda, it could have dire consequences. A new analysis out this week shows that Project 2025 could “cost Pennsylvania 37,700 jobs and $7.57 billion from state GDP while burdening the average household with $170 in additional energy costs in 2030.” In stark contrast, Senator Bob Casey has consistently fought for workers and is helping to build a clean energy economy creating high-paying family sustaining jobs for Pennsylvanians. 

The launch of these ads and the field expansion comes with just 33 days left until Election Day. Throughout their campaigns, we have seen Trump, Vance and MAGA Republicans like Dave McCormick continue to assert that they will roll back the Inflation Reduction Act, do the bidding of Big Oil, and deny the real threats of climate change. In these final weeks, LCV Victory Fund is prioritizing connecting with as many voters as possible to prevent a Trump-Vance administration and Republican majority Senate that will erase all the historic climate progress made by the Biden-Harris administration to build a clean energy economy. 


WATCH: Guide

How-to guide to teach companies how to outsource American jobs 

Written by Dave McCormick’s company .

Specializing in outsourcing

Encouraging CEOs to outsource more jobs

And shipping Pennsylvania jobs to China

Dave McCormick outsourcing jobs– out for himself.

WATCH: Specialty

Dave McCormick was a hedge fund CEO

His other specialty outsourcing American jobs

Sending Pennsylvania jobs to China

McCormick even taught other CEOs how to do the same thing

Dave McCormick, outsourcing jobs— out for himself


This is a how to guide to teach American companies how to outsource jobs 

And the president of the company that published it was Dave McCormick 

Records show that McCormick’s company specialized in outsourcing 

Calling it a tremendous opportunity 

McCormick met with CEOs to encourage more outsourcing 

And shipped jobs from Pennsylvania to China 

Outsourcing jobs to make money for himself 

That’s the real Dave McCormick.

Backup for How to, Specialty and Guide.

Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.