LCV Victory Fund Launches Latest House Ads in $19 million Campaign | LCV Victory Fund

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LCV Victory Fund Launches Latest House Ads in $19 million Campaign

October 23, 2024

Washington, D.C.– Today, LCV Victory Fund is announcing new House ads in OH-13, MI-10, NY-17, and NM-02 which includes digital, broadcast and radio ads. These ads are a part of the $14 million House campaign that launched in September, which has now grown to over $19 million in 28 House races. This new wave of ads includes an ad that calls out Dirty Dozen member, Yvette Herrell. 

WATCH: MI-10 Trust

This ad contrasts John James’ record of serving as CEO of a company that took millions in tax breaks and loans to create jobs that ultimately did not come to fruition, with Rep. Carl Marlinga’s history of fighting corporate greed. This ad is in partnership with EDF Action Votes and NRDC Action Votes and will run on digital platforms through Election Day . 

WATCH: OH-13 Good Days

This ad opposing Kevin Coughlin points out how he wants to make drastic changes to Social Security including raising the Medicare eligibility age and making Medicare a voucher system. This ad will run on broadcast in Cleveland markets through October 29. 

WATCH: NY-17 Devastating

This ad opposing Mike Lawler shares the personal story of a woman who chose to have an abortion, highlighting the devastating consequences that Lawler’s support for overturning Roe v Wade can have across the country. This ad will run on digital platforms through Election Day.

These ads focus on a myriad of issues including social security, corporate greed, and access to clean air and water. In NM-02, LCV Victory Fund launched a Spanish language radio ad that calls out Dirty Dozen member Yvette Herrell for being a proponent of selling New Mexico’s public lands and her record of siding with Big Polluters by voting against protections from methane gas leaks and against holding corporations accountable for their role in contaminating New Mexico’s water. The radio ad will run on Albuquerque airways through Election Day.

“With just two weeks until Election Day voters in these key districts need to know that there is a clear choice this election,” said Megan Jacobs, Vice President of Paid Communications and Elections. “MAGA Republicans in the House are more concerned with appeasing Big Polluters and Big Corporations than protecting the health and safety of our families, communities and environment. We need leaders in Congress that are going to lower costs, protect access to clean air and water and create high-paying jobs.” 

These new ads are part of our larger House work, which you can find more information about here, here and here



WATCH: MI-10 Trust

In the race for congress it comes down to character

John James was caught ripping off taxpayers

James was CEO of a shipping company that took millions in tax breaks on a pledge to create jobs

But they didn’t create the jobs they promised

Didn’t repay the money

And James paid himself millions instead

Carl Marlinga is a prosecutor who fights this kind of corporate greed 

He’ll always protect our tax dollars 

And be a Congressman we can trust 


WATCH: OH-13 Good Days

These are the good days.

We’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare our whole lives. 

But Kevin Coughlin wants to make it harder, saying he’d make drastic changes to Social Security.

Cutting our benefits! 

Coughlin even called to raise the Medicare eligibility age and pushed to make Medicare a voucher system, which would cost us nearly seven thousand dollars a year.

Folks can’t afford that! 

Coughlin is just not for us.


WATCH: NY-17 Devastating

We wanted to be pregnant. 

But we learned that the  pregnancy would put my life at risk and risk my ability to have other children. 

I didn’t want an abortion but my doctor and I made the decision that was right for my family. 

Mike Lawler supported taking that decision away from so many women.

Now, Mike Lawler is part of an extreme group of Republicans trying to ban abortion in New York.

I wouldn’t have my family today if Mike Lawler took  away that choice. 


Backup for Trust, Good Days, and Devastating

Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.