LCV Victory Fund, State Affiliates and Partners Launch $14.5 Million Field Programs in Battleground States | LCV Victory Fund

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LCV Victory Fund, State Affiliates and Partners Launch $14.5 Million Field Programs in Battleground States

July 12, 2024

Washington, D.C.– Today, LCV Victory Fund along with several state affiliates and partners including labor announced a combined $14.5 million investment in field organizing programs encompassing Presidential, Senate and House races to knock at least a collective 1.4 million doors in Arizona, North Carolina, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. The field programs will launch in waves, with the first set of programs beginning this week in Arizona, Montana, Ohio and North Carolina, backing Ruben Gallego (AZ-Sen), Jon Tester (MT-Sen), Sherrod Brown (OH-Sen), Josh Stein (NC-Gov), and the Biden-Harris Administration. This is the first time LCV Victory Fund has incorporated House races to their general election field program, supporting Kirsten Engel (AZ-06) and Emilia Sykes (OH-13) in the first wave of programs launching this week. The Ohio effort is being led by the New American Jobs Fund–a joint project of LCV Victory Fund and United Steelworkers (USW Works), while the Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund is leading the launch of the field program in Montana.

“Amid extreme weather conditions including record-breaking temperatures, deadly storms, and wildfires, Trump and the RNC have made their intentions clear, they will rollback all the environmental progress that the Biden-Harris administration and champs in Congress have accomplished in the past four years, if given the chance,” said LCV Victory Fund National Field Director, Erin Phillips. “In order to keep building a clean energy economy that will help expand jobs, lower costs and protect the environment we are fighting to reelect the Biden-Harris administration, hold the Senate, and take back the House. We, along with our partners, are launching these field programs to continue to have face-to-face conversations with voters  about what is at stake in this election. ”

The campaign announcements come ahead of the start of the Republican National Convention on Monday and on the heels of the release of the 2024 Republican Platform, which includes ending investments in clean energy, striping away environmental protections, and selling public lands. The first set of field programs launched this week and will continue to run through Election Day. This $14.5 million field organizing program is part of LCV Victory Fund’s $120 million investment in the 2024 election cycle defending the pro-climate Senate, taking back the House away from Big Oil’s MAGA allies and continuing to make climate progress in the states. 

Below is more information on the first set of field programs in Arizona, North Carolina, Montana and Ohio. These programs will include a layered combination of door-to-door canvassing, relational organizing, texting, and digital and mail programs:

Arizona Senate, House AZ-06 and Presidential Races ($2.9 million field program)

Canvassers in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona will help with persuasion and GOTV efforts for the Senate race, the House AZ-06 race where Kirsten Engel is working to unseat Juan Ciscomani, and the Presidential race. Notably, Kari Lake is an extreme MAGA Republican who has continued to cozy up to special interests like Big Oil CEOs, and would vote to give them massive tax breaks while ending clean energy investments that lower costs for consumers and reduce pollution in our air and water. Meanwhile, Ruben Gallego is a climate champion that is actively working in the House to build a clean energy economy and will continue to do so as Senator. Earlier this year LCV Victory Fund and Somos PAC launched a joint Spanish-language broadcast ad campaign in support of Gallego. 

North Carolina Governor’s Race and Presidential Race ($890k field program)

In Charlotte, the LCV Victory Fund field program in partnership with the Conservation Votes PAC, will talk to voters about the North Carolina Governor’s race where Mark Robinson is a climate denier who has continued to call climate change “junk science” and climate scientists “liars” and is advocating for violence against his political enemies and a total ban on abortion. Stein is committed to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our families and communities. During his time as Attorney General, Stein has fought to push for access to clean air and water and stood up to Big Polluters and as Governor, Stein will fight for a clean energy economy. 

Montana Senate Race ($830k field program)

The Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund’s canvassers in Billings will be talking to voters about Senator Tester’s strong record of fighting for Montana families and keeping public lands in public hands in contrast with his opponent Tim Sheehy’s concerning positions on public lands. This cycle, the Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund has already aired two ads taking on Sheehy’s positions and has Field Organizers on the ground in Bozeman, the Flathead and Missoula in addition to Billings. 

Ohio Senate and House OH-13 Races New American Jobs Funds ($975k field program)

In Akron, Ohio, LCV Victory Fund is joining forces with the United Steelworkers union (USW Works) through their joint super PAC, the New American Jobs Fund, to lead a field effort supporting Sen. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Emilia Sykes in OH-13. This is LCV Victory Fund’s first investment this cycle in the Ohio Senate race, as it supports Brown against challenger Bernie Moreno. Brown has prioritized a clean energy economy powered by union jobs and has been a consistent fighter for the environment and working families throughout his career. 


Paid for by LCV Victory Fund (, Montana Outdoor Values Action Fund (, New American Jobs Fund (, and Conservation Votes PAC (, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.