MEMO: Weekly LCV Victory Fund Update | LCV Victory Fund

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MEMO: Weekly LCV Victory Fund Update

September 20, 2024

To: Interested Parties
From: Pete Maysmith, SVP of Campaigns, LCV Victory Fund
Date:  September 20, 2024
Re: Weekly LCV Victory Fund Update

Welcome to LCV Victory Fund’s weekly update, where we share a recap of what we accomplished this week! LCV Victory Fund is a super PAC that runs independent campaigns to defeat federal and state candidates who are anti-environment and elect climate champions who will prioritize continuing the climate progress made by the Biden-Harris administration to build a clean energy economy. After announcing this Spring  plans to invest $120 million in the 2024 election cycle–our largest ever investment– we can now confidently say that we will hit at least $130 million and likely more. This investment includes the Presidential and Congressional elections, support for state affiliates’ work in state and local elections, money raised and contributed directly to candidates at all levels through GiveGreen and other programs.

There’s a lot of well-deserved talk about Kamala Harris’s standing in the polls since her excellent performance at the presidential debate. But in addition to her clear debate victory, there’s also a lot of work happening on the ground, and on the airwaves to reinforce Harris’s strong record and vision for the future–including by LCV Victory Fund. Here are some updates on our recent activity: 

The 2024 Dirty Dozen

This week LCV Victory Fund named the twelve candidates for federal office to its signature Dirty Dozen. For decades, the Dirty Dozen program has highlighted candidates — regardless of party affiliation — who consistently side against the environment and are running in races in which LCV Victory Fund has a serious chance to affect the outcome. Since Donald Trump was elected, LCV Victory Fund has defeated 75% of the candidates named to the Dirty Dozen. 

This year’s Dirty Dozen list includes: 

  • Donald Trump–President
  • Sam Brown–Senate, NV
  • Ken Calvert–House, CA-41
  • Juan Ciscomani–House, AZ-06
  • Anthony D’Esposito–House, NY-04
  • Yvette Herrell–House, NM-02
  • Eric Hovde–Senate, WI
  • Kari Lake–Senate, AZ
  • Dave McCormick–Senate, PA
  • Bernie Moreno–Senate, OH
  • Tim Sheehy–Senate, MT
  • Michelle Steel–House, CA-45

In response to our announcement of this year’s Dirty Dozen, Nevada candidate Sam Brown’s campaign responded elevating an op-ed he co-authored for a Utah paper about water conservation, which failed to mention climate change. We’re not sure if Brown was trying to argue that he’d be better on environmental issues than Jacky Rosen–he’d be extremely wrong if so. But what really raised our eyebrows was the fact that his co-author is Chris Barnard of the American Conservation Coalition, an organization that has vocally advocated for a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain–an extremely unpopular opinion in the Silver State. The Brown campaign stopped responding after we pointed this out. 

LCVVF Field Program Updates

Earlier this month we expanded our field program by $6.2 million for a total of $20.7 million to include Presidential, Senate and House races in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska, New York and California. The goal of the program is to knock on more than 2 million doors by Election Day.

Results to date:

  • 725,317 door knocks
  • 102,827 successful contacts with our target voters
  • 70% of voters we spoke with told us they were voting for Harris
  • 18,263 vote tripling sign ups   

Anecdotes from the doors:

  • Nevada: In Henderson, we spoke with Steve about the upcoming election. He was passionate about the Biden administration’s efforts to address climate change through clean energy initiatives and saw Kamala Harris as a key leader in pushing for environmental reforms. Steve was also impressed with Jacky Rosen’s dedication to expanding renewable energy projects in Nevada, and he felt confident that Rosen’s re-election would continue to prioritize the state’s environmental future.
  • North Carolina: In Charlotte we spoke to Dave, a Republican who hesitantly told us that he was undecided about who to support for both President and Governor. After talking to him about Kamala Harris and Josh Stein, he admitted that although he was a Republican he would likely be voting for Stein and Harris because President Trump’s actions and words do not align with his values. He said that “regardless of his party, he would vote for what is right.” Dave agreed to sign the commit to vote card and we thanked him for sharing.

Paid Media Updates

This week we announced our $14 million House campaign, which includes digital and tv ads supporting 16 House races across the country. The latest ads released are: 

* In partnership with EDF Action Votes


Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.