LCV Victory Fund | Our Earth Is Worth Voting For

Our Earth Is Worth Voting For

LCV Victory Fund runs independent campaigns to defeat federal candidates who will undermine environmental progress and elect environmental champions who will prioritize just and equitable climate solutions.

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LCV Victory Fund runs independent campaigns to defeat federal candidates who will undermine environmental progress and elect environmental champions who will prioritize just and equitable climate solutions.

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Winning in 2024 Winning in 2024

With temperatures and sea levels on the rise, wildfires raging, and climate disasters wreaking havoc, we cannot afford to backslide on climate progress, clean energy solutions, and environmental justice. We’re campaigning to protect and expand pro-climate, pro-democracy leadership from the state house to the White House.


2022's Green Wave 2022's Green Wave

In the majority of races where LCV Victory Fund and partners invested, climate voters showed up to help protect and elect pro-environment, pro-democracy candidates.

Read Our 2022 Elections Report

Image: Earth Day Rally in Washington, DC. © 2022 André Chung/All rights reserved


For more than 25 years, our Dirty Dozen program has targeted candidates — regardless of party affiliation — who consistently side against the environment and are running in races in which LCV Victory Fund has a serious chance to affect the outcome. Stay tuned in early 2024 for the 2024 Dirty Dozen list.

Voters rejected 10 of 12 the candidates named to our 2022 Dirty Dozen list

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